Train Journey South
The Train Pulls.
Clickety clack, clickety clack, the train pulls.
Clack, clack, clickety clack.
Whoosh, jolt, rumble, squeak, sway - this way, that.
Clickety clack, clickety clack, the train pulls.
John Lester, Tết 2025
Tread Lightly
Tread lightly on the journey you must go.
Soft the ripples that should flow.
Three sixty look.
Judge not, just watch,
And you shall see.
© John Lester
Translation of the poem ‘Tread Lightly’, into Vietnamese and Nom (the ancient script of Vietnam)
Vietnamese translation by Huong Thi Lan Nguyen
Translation into Nom by Nguyen Quang Thang of the Institute of Hán-Nôm Studies
Beyond All This.
Beyond the fuss, beyond the rush,
There’s a place.
A place in mind. A place I’ll find.
Kind to the memories that want to linger on.
The boss, the bully, the put-down,
Spur me on.
One day, all this will be gone.
© John Lester
Autumn Woodland
Clear Autumn air, stillness,
No sound.
Distant buzz of saw,
Wood smoke gently drifts.
Blackbirds seeking food
Amongst crinkled golden leaves.
Woodland sprits cradle me,
Ancient instincts wake.
Aware that summer’s fallen,
A good time gone away.
The crisp cold smell of
Eastward winter’s breath.
© John Lester
Bluebell Woods
Look up through sun dappled bluebell woods
As one amongst the trees.
Sweet Chestnuts’ slender boughs
Do stretch and sway.
Sky high royal blue and cotton clouds.
Blackbird song held in perfumed air,
Which, embracing distant past
With now and future,
Echoes with measured pause,
A tune of perfect joy.
© John Lester
Wake up!
Can’t you see?
Equality is what I want.
Equality for you,
Equality for me.
God made us equal,
One, Two, Three.
© John Lester