About John
John is a British artist who has a refreshing outlook to the World of Art. His traditional and unique 'Colour and Motion' images often inspire, cheer and give peaceful contemplation.
Live the Dance
As a versatile and openminded artist, John enjoys working on a variety of subject matter and with different media. He lives and works both in the UK and Vietnam.
He grew up in a creative household, both his parents being practising artists and art teachers. Surrounded by artists and artwork, a life long passion for art was instilled. Whilst firsthand experiences and numberous artists, including his parents, provided much artistic tuition for him, John’s formal art training included numerous courses at various art colleges and art schools, including Exeter, Falmouth, Winchester, the University of East Anglia and the Slade.
Ponte Vecchio, Florence. Oil on Canvas. 40 x 70cm
After gaining a degree in botany at Exeter University, John initiallly worked as a museum curator in a natural history museum, then following postgraduate studies in art and teaching, he embarked upon a career as an art and science teacher and artist. John now works as a full-time artist.
As a selling artist, commercial work has included commissions for portraits, garden and interior design and fine art paintings for BUPA, McDonald’s and HS1, UK.
John has had numerous one man shows, including an exhibition at the InterContinental Hotel, Hanoi, at 30 East 40th Street, New York, close to the Grand Central Terminal and also at the famous cafe, Les Deux Magots, in the centre of Paris. Currently, John has an on-going display of large format artwork at Ashford International Station in the UK.
Travels to Australia, Italy, Paris, Scotland, USA and especially Vietnam, have provided much inspiration for John's artwork.
Early Morning Mist and Mountains, Pu Luong, Vietnam. Oil on canvas, 60 x 40cm
In addition to creating artwork John also enjoys writing. He has written, illustrated and published a number of short stories and is a member of the Society of Authors. Much of his artwork is inspired or inspires ideas for poems.
Toscana. Oil on Canvas, 60 x 40cm
Style and Direction.
Whilst John's artwork has been categorized into two areas, Traditional and 'Colour and Motion', there is overlap and his work continues to develop. Music plays a large part in his creativity and he is interested in the part it plays with his artwork. He is motivated by the artistic opportunities ahead and the artwork yet to come. A journey continues.
The Benefits of Art.
Art, a form of communication, which predates writing, has been with us forever. What and how artists endeavour to communicate and what the purpose of Art is, is interesting, varied and questionable. John believes that whether we create Art ourselves or observe it, Art is essential, it balances our minds and is good for our well-being. For John, Art is a form of meditation too. To lose himself in the act of creating or looking at a picture, switches off the world. His world becomes the focus on the artwork; a brushstroke, a colour, a line. He likens the process of creating to a jigsaw, which ends with finding the last piece to put in. John feels it is akin to the game of chess as well, you need to think a few moves ahead. It becomes all-consuming - no time for coffee, it makes his mind work and helps him make sense of the world.
Hanoi, 2024
John is a member of Vietnam UK Business Association and currently working as their art advisor.